Welcome to 2013! Did you make your list of goals?

ImageThis year, rather than focus on the standard resolutions that fizzle out by February, take it upon yourself to try the latest fad in New Year’s resolutions: commit to learning something new!

Diets are fickle and motivation can fade, but the desire to learn something new is a resolution that is not only fun, but can also usher in a new year of hobbies that offer an educational twist. What better way to explore a new hobby and learn more about wine than trying out our new series of Wine Appreciation classes? These are fun and interactive seminars which have been designed with you in mind – from the wine connoisseur to the aspiring connoisseur, these classes hold something for each level of wine mastery.

Kicking off this series on January 26th will be our “Introduction to Wine Tasting” course. This class is a great way for you to dive into learning more about wine and will help you learn the basic fundamentals of wine tasting. You’ll be taught a basic understanding of how to decipher wine terminology, where wine comes from, how to taste it, different wine styles, and other characteristics. Join us for this fun and informative afternoon as we take you on a tour of Regale’s wines, with our beautiful grounds and Italian villa serving as the background for these fun classics in wine tasting knowledge.

In February, we will be featuring our “Wine and Chocolate Pairing” class. This is the perfect accompaniment to any Valentine’s Day plans. Bring a little romance and richness into your life by joining us to learn about pairing wine and chocolate. What a beautiful combination!

Following these courses in early March is our “Wine Appreciation” class, where you will be provided with an overview of wine making, starting with the grapes in the vineyard through the winemaker’s last touch in the wine making process. You’ll learn about the different choices and decisions that are made before bottling and what the last steps are before it’s available for the public to enjoy.

 This is the first time we have ever had the opportunity to host any such wine courses; we are extremely excited to offer these seminars as a supplement to your 2013 events with us. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.